
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Leid Stories - 06.09.21
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
▪︎Are you becoming angrier and more disillusioned the more you become aware that you are among the have-nots, not with the haves?
▪︎Have you learned how to play "the game?" Do you think you're better or worse off for it? What are some of its cardinal rules?
▪︎Is retiring a smart option for you right now?
▪︎Which of our social maladies -- racism, sexism, classism, etc. -- will end the soonest? What might cause that to happen?
▪︎Does marriage improve the chances of success in family life?
▪︎Do you feel that America has lied to you? If so, about what?
▪︎ Have you proven yourself worthy? Of what?
▪︎ In a few years, what will be your best talent or skill?
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